Thursday, February 3, 2011

Postman's Speech

Postman talks about in both his novel Amusing Ourselves to Death and in the video about image. Postman in his novel writes about how people rely solely on their outward appearance. People only care about how they outwardly appear, not their jobs, such as newscasters who pay more attention to their makeup then their script and their actual job. While during his interview Postman discusses the idea of cloning, and says that cloning will soon become a main event in the world. Postman says that many peole will depend on having another clone to be used just "in case" if during life they need a new organ to save their life. People have also been known to clone a sheep, a frog, and even a monkey. Postman both in the video and book is clearly that in the future our society will only be concerned with our image and become selfish and unaware of other things around themselves.
    Postman also uses the example from the author from the book Being Digital who predicted that in the future people will become more comfortable talking to inanimate objects then people in his novel Amusing Ourselves to Death. In the same way in his interview Postman is explaining how he thinks that society already struggles with being able to talk to other people and in the future people will become pets to their computers. That technology is slowly but surely controlling people and their lives in many aspects. Postman clearly feels that in the future there will come a time when people solely depend on technology for living their lives and communicating with others, while in reality the best way for living in true face to face communication with others to improve ourselves and our society.

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