Saturday, December 18, 2010

A new way of "going green"?

      The sentence that gives Waldemar R. Semrau's point is  "I read one book about this general subject, and that strengthened my resolve. Have you figured out yet that I'm going as a cadaver, an anatomical gift?" I think the intent of his essay was to have people to consider having their bodies to be used as medical cadavers after they die. Semrau is trying to have his readers reconsider the idea, which many people may consider morbid and disgusting to think in these terms. The use of Semrau's writing, by grasping the reader with vague information does help to strengthen the power of the essay, and have the reader reconsider the idea of donating their own body to be used as a cadaver. Semrau's way of writing to grasp the reader's attention is excellent in the terms that he refers back to his childhood, which many people can relate to, because everyone dreams of becoming something amazing and many do not actually grow up to do the exact job they thought that they may have had interest in. In turn, in the end of Semrau's life he is being used for what he was so intrigued with as a child.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Savior of the Nations Come

In the very well known and popular advent hymn, Savior of the Nations Come, the language tool that is used is description. By use of the language tool, description, the author Martin Luther creates an image that allows the singer or reader to picture and visualize what happened during these events surrounding the birth of Christ continuing through his death and resurrection. Luther's theme is by Christ' birth, death, and resurrection he was  victorious over the devil and defeated sin, through his victory we gained forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Luther uses phrases such as "not by human flesh and blood", "song of triumph swell", "brightly doth the manger shine", "ever be our faith thus bright". These phrases all descriptively and specifically pointing out details and at the same time telling the story of Christ, through whom he was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of  a virgin, then born in a manger to be our savior to all sinners, and by  his death and resurrection we are cleansed. Jesus shines brightly because of his righteousness and his power through which he saved us, that we as believers are to have faith that shines just as radiant in Christ.  

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sermon Diagnostic

1. 25 times
2. makes holy, slain (2x), is lamb, died, took sin, who slain, set apart (2x), lives again, rose, make pure, lamb slain, given you, reigns (2x), lives for you, will live
3. Rev. Borghardt in his sermon is telling the people that God is a merciful God. He says that we are all saved through Christ's death and resurrection, and in him we receive eternal life. Rev. Borghardt says that Heaven is something to fear but something to look forward to. In contrast Edward's sermon is telling people to fear God and his wrath. That we are all damned sinners and are all going to hell. He says that we should all live in fear, unlike Borghardt who says to eagerly await Heaven which is given by God's unconditional love and mercy.