Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fuzzy Dice..illegal??

1. The article by Matt Helms from the Detroit Free Press, which discusses the law banning items from rearview mirrors, talks about how there is a law in Michigan that bans the hanging of items on the rearview mirror of the car. Many people argue saying that many police do not enforce the law and many drivers in Michigan hang items from their rearview mirrors even though there is a law prohbiting it.
2."The important thing is that this law has been unfairly enforced," Jelinek said. "You see people driving with things hanging. They don't get stopped, so it's kind of an excuse for being stopped." I like this quote because it is a good example of how the law is not enforced consistently, so therefore many people are unaware of the law and do not know that they should not hang anything from their rearview mirror. Along with the excuse for pulling someone over because they do have an item hanging from their rearview mirror.
3. I disagree with the ban, mainly because I do not see the big deal with having an item hanging from your rearview mirror, as long as it is not causing a distraction or effecting the driver's driving. I think that the ban of having an item hanging from the rearview mirror is an excuse for pulling people over. If people feel so strongly about not having people hang items fromt their rearview mirror, police should consistently enforce the law, not when it is convenient for them. People should also be made aware of the ban so they can avoid being pulled over for hanging fuzzy dice or an air freshener from their rearview mirror.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mitch Albom- Lebron James Article

1.  Albom's point is that racisim is not the reason for the critiscim of the way he handled his free-agency, but Lebron's ego is. The question was raised that racisim was the cause for the way things were handled with his free-agency. When in reality the root of the problem is that Lebron's huge ego played a role in the issue of him becoming unpopular, not because he is black and has black fans and not white fans.
2. I agree with Albom because the ego of someone who is so famous and has so much money can be the cause for unpopularity and problems to arise. They can develop big heads and their egos take over. I do not think that because he is black caused any of the problems that are taking place.
3. Albom's best point is Lebron did not become famous with having all black fans and he did not just as quicly become unpopular with only white people not following him. Albom is saying that Lebron's infamy did  not come from only whites and not blacks and it did not happen because of racism but that the reason that his fame has taken a complete turn around is because of his huge ego that has developed from the popularity.